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Study visits and analysis best practices in EU, UNS in North Macedonia 2022

Date: July 20-22
Address: Hans Em Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University. 16 Makedonska brigada St. No. 1, Skopje, 1000, North Macedonia

A study visit to EU partner universities and analysis of best practices was held in Skopje, North Macedonia 20-22 July 2022. On the first day dr Ivan Blinkov opened the meeting and welcome participants. The lectures covered several topics regarding Development of soil erosion, aridity, drought and desertification maps of the Republic of North Macedonia, the use of GIS/RS analyze in various projects and Identifying runoff sensitivity in forests and seminatural areas. presented by Ivan Blinkov, Ivan Minčev and Božin Trendafilov. On the second and third day, teachers from the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje gave practical exercise in the GIS/RS laboratory to the SETOF team members from the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture.